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Trendy African foods and their benefits

Trendy African foods and their benefits

The culinary scene in Africa is deeply varied, with most dishes flavorful and offering health properties. A large number of ingredients native to the continent can be either called medicinal or have some exuding properties that once eaten as a traditional dish, you are sure going in for sounds meals full with nourishment and healing. Below are some of the trendy African foods and their benefits, take a look: A Comprehensive List Of Essential Foods In Africa

Bitter Leaf (Vernonia, Ewuro)

Bitter Leaf (Ewuro) is one of the commonest vegetables in African cooking. Bitter leaf is used fresh or dried, and the leaves have a typically bitter taste to them that when added to soups and stews such as this one (bitterleaf soup) adds alot of flavor. It is one of the vital vitamins enriched vegetable including all key Vitamins i.e A,C,E, B1& B2 which could make it an nutrient powerhouse.

Benefits Of Bitter Leaf On Health

Relieves Mild Gastric Troubles and is a Potent Home Remedy to Scour the Stomach

That acts as a antidote expeller of worms.

Metabolism boost helps in better digestion and weight control.

Reduces fever and conditions of acute Dixilation.

Helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, making it advantageous for individuals with diabetes.

Heals the various skin ailments like rashes, eczema and ringworms.

Relieves piles (hemorrhoids)

Can detoxify our body and will remove toxins

Increases breast milk in lactating mothers

Ewedu Leaves (Jute)

This green leef has a texture that is as smooth and silky with the callaloo leaves, think spinach but with an iron-rich over load 😉 — Starting something this healthy…you really cant go wrong. In African cuisine is usually accompanied by tomato and pepper stew as it sets a thicker consistency in dishes. Ewedu leaves is rich in some vital vitamins such as Vitamin A, C and E which are antioxidants that help to protect the body from degenerative disease like cancer.

Ewedu Leaves Health Benefits:

Increases the production of collagen, essential for healthy skin and tissue.

A great provider of dietary fiber, supporting optimal digestive function and health.

Strengthens the immune system, which may reduce infections.

Beta-carotene making eyesight better.

Rich in calcium, promoting strong bones and healthy teeth.

Anti-aging for skin and healthy skin

Locust Beans (Iru)

Fermented seeds specifically used to season soup in the locality of Africa like Ewedu and Ogbono. These beans are strong and carry an aroma that is pungent, which makes for not only a flavorful dish but one with major health benefits.

Locust Beans Health Benefits

Maintains healthy vision by reducing the danger of eye disorders

Decreases the chances of developing hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

Can Better manage Of Stroke and diabetes.

Used for diarrhoea due to its soothing properties.

Helps in naturally lowering blood pressure.

Brown Beans (Ewa-Oloyin)

Brown beans, refered to as Ewa-oloyin in Yoruba are the basic ingredient for Moi-Moi and also a snack called Akara ( bean cake). The beans are dense in protein, fiber and various essential vitamins (B-complex, iron potassium).

Here Are Healthy Benefits Of Brown Beans : • Aids in weight loss: If you wish to lose unhealthy pounds, can help.

If consumed more than 4 times in a week it reduces bad cholesterol hence hearts health increases.

Only 2 grams of fat, perfect for weight loss.

Protein: The building block to repair and grow muscles.

Regulates blood sugar, which leads to diabetes management.

Has cancer fighting properties because of the high fiber and antioxidant amount.

Helps you lose weight as it makes you feel full longer.

Garden Eggs (Eggplant)

Peeled garden eggs, which are similar in taste to eggplant but have a spongy texture. They are typically found in stews and sauces, but they have more then a few health benefits: such as dietary fiber,potassium with great vitamin B1,B6,C.

Garden Eggs And Its Health Benefits

Helps with weight loss because it provides few calories.

But, it treats bronchitis and can help with other respiratory troubles.

Boosts the Immune system Lower danger of throat infections

Helps prevent parasite infections

Nutrient Dense- good for pregnancy!

Beneficial for diabetics, it aids in regulating blood sugar levels.

To treat cough, chest colds.

Melon Seeds (Egusi)

Melon seeds, which go by its local name — Egusi is used to prepare a number of indigenous dishes with the most popular one being; egusi soup. They are rich in proteins, potassium, calcium,[3] iron (20% declared[4]), and magnesium.

Protection against Heart Disease: Sedentary lifestyle has become a kind of trend now days due to busier life style, which in parallel increased the level cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Very rich in vitamin, contains anti-aging properties.

Lowers cholesterol = better heart health

Gives complex amino acids that are necessary for body health everywhere

Helps combat malnutrition as it provides a mix of nutrients.

Helps the gut in proper digestion.

Cocoyam (Taro, Tannia)

Cocoyam The Cocoyam (Taro) is a starchy root vegetable most commonly used as an ingredient in thickening soups and pottage. Apart from being high in dietary fiber, it is also a…complexContentAside from its richness in fiber content, it has moderately higher protein than other root crops and contains significant amounts of calcium pathwayDescription:, vitamins (B group AND Vitamin C), Manganese.

Health Benefits of Cocoyam:

Healthy Digestion and No More Constipation

It helps in reducing blood sugar levels, which is good for diabetics.

How it helps → Ban Doan… Helps fight cancer How?

Improves skin health because it contains a lot of antioxidants.

Improves blood circulation and lowers BP levels.

Okra (Gumbo)

Mirror Okra is a bit oky, used in most African soups to thcken the Soup. Is full of vitamins and minerals that protect your overall health.

Health Benefits of Okra:

A fiber-rich food that aids in controlling hunger.

Prevents fatigue by increasing energy levels

Stabilizes blood sugar levels in diabeticSOEVER DEPARTMENT MEAN So not only can it help around the houseSPAN BUT Dealing with diabetes compasses a large amount

Builds stronger bones and prevents excessive bleeding because they are high in vitamin K.

Enhances immunity and keeps eye healthy.


Crayfish, also called crawfish are tiny freshwater crustaceans used in soups and stews. They are full of critical nutrients that contribute to better health.

Health Benefits of Crayfish:

Rich in vitamin E, which supports vibrant skin health.

Fights inflammation, promotes joint health.

Increases energy and promotes a healthy heart

Periwinkle (Isam)

The snail used by the Africans are periwinkle, a tiny tropical marine edible sea gastropod.

Uses and Health Benefits of Periwinkle:

Improves brain development in kids.

Reduces dangerous bony wax levels leading to better cardiac health.

Helps Ensure Proper Fetal Development During Pregnancy

Scent Leaf (Efirin)

Scent leaf is a very spicy plant known to the Yoruba as Efirin. It has antiseptic, antibacterialand antifungal articles which can be processed for health and medical use — Photo credit : Wikimedia

Scent Leaf Health Benefits

Suppresses cough and other respiration issues

A good food for diabetics, as its low sugar level and it lower your blood.

Assists nursing mothers to secrete their milk.

Provides pain relief since it possess anti inflammatory substances.

Pumpkin Leaves (Ugwu)

Ugwu leaves, referred to as pumpkin leave in English is a widely used vegetable for this delicacy and several other Nigerian soups including Edikang ikong soup and Egusi. Rich in vitamins and minerals particularly Vitamin A, C, calcium and iron these leaves contain recommended extra benefits for your health.

Pumpkin Leaves Health ManagementBenefits

Aids in weight loss, contributes to good digestion and avoids constipation.

This smoothie increases your body energy as it contains a high level of useful nutrients.

Promotes healthy, strong bones and teeth by virtue of being a great source of calcium.

Wild Spinach (Afang, Okazi)

Afang leaves (Wild Spinach or Okazi) are used in soups like Afang and Nsala.

Wild Spinach Health Benefits

Enhances brain function which helps in the treatment of neurological diseases.

Helps control protein metabolism and functions in the body as a whole.

It is anti-diabetic, reduces blood sugar levels.

Red Palm Oil

African cooking is done mostly with red palm oil which comes from the fruit of the oil palm tree. Beta-carotenes and lycopene — also known as phytonutrients.

Red Palm Oil = Health Benefits

Lowers your chance of having a stroke and heart disease.

This reduces the risk of neuro-degenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s.

High in vitamin A and E so it can be beneficial to your skin.


While African foods are full of flavors they offer great health benefits too. Bitter Leaf, Ewedu Crayfish and Red Palm Oil provide essential vitamins,minerals and other micro-nutrients that constitute overall well-being. Adding these foods to your diet can help you avoid disease, facilitate good digestion and increase energy. The original diet of Africa will always be the most nutritional and balanced way to live a healthy life. To order or make enquiry click here


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