Humble Sage Food

How To Cook Oha Soup

Oha soup, also known as Ofe Oha is a traditional Nigerian recipe from the eastern part of Nigeria with unique and nourishing flavor. The vibrant, flavorful and healthy soup has an interesting taste and celebrated all over the continents. It is made using soft Oha leaves, various types of meat and thickened with cocoyam which makes it one of those meals that can easily climb into your list of favorite dishes. It takes you through the procedure to produce a delicious soup, and also helps you along the path of getting your Oha soup ready just right with that Oha Soup taste and thickness.

Table of Contents:


    • Introduction to how to cook Oha Soup

    • Benefits of Oha Soup from Nutritious Angle

    • Essential Ingredients on how to cook oha soup

    • Directions: Step by Step on how to cook oha soup

    • Preparing the Meats

    • Preparing the Thickener

    • Cooking the Soup Base

    • Adding Vegetables

    • Serving Suggestions

    • How to cook The Best Oha Soup

    • Conclusion on how to cook oha soup

1. Introduction to how to cook oha soup

The OHA soup is a traditional meal that hails from the eastern part of Nigeria — in fact its safe to say it’s a party Jollof if you will. So it is named because of the gentle Oha leaves which give the soup a certain taste. Egusi soup is a thickened delicious broth prepared with egusi (melon seeds), cocoyam paste (also called Achiki or simply Achi) and contains a mixture of meats like beef, goat meat and may also include dried fish. Which is why this soup appears so golden, for the palm oil and local seasonings are what give it its endearing taste.

2. The Health Benefits of Oha Soup

Oha soup is a local and native igbo dish that has many healthy benefits.

Rich in calcium, potassium and iron oha leaves are important for the healthy growth of bones and good circulation.

Cocoyam, the soup thickener, is especially beneficial to digesting health because it is rich in fiber and also contains vitamins B and C.

The mixed meats supply the necessary proteins to build and repair muscle.

Palm oil is low in saturated fat, and contains vitamin A and E, necessary for healthy skin and eyes.

3. Essential Ingredients

Indicators you should use to cook your Oha Soup:

Ora leaves (oha or ora)

Cocoyam (As alternative, Achi powder) For thickening.

Different varieties of meats (beef, goat meat, or chicken)

Stockfish and/or dry fish

Palm oil

Seasoning cubes (such as Maggi or Knorr)

Ground crayfish

Ogiri (fermented locust beans)- optional but it gives a local flavor

Uziza leaves (for pepper soup flavor) – optional

Add a pinch of sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper to suit your taste.s

Salt (to taste)

Water or meat stock

4. How to Cook oha soup Step by Step

4.1. Preparing the Meats.

THE MEATS Take your choice assorted meats (beef, goat meat or chicken) and wash them properly. Salt, seasoning cubes and pepper to taste Let sit for a few mins.

Make the meats: place the meats in a large pot, cover them with water and boil. As the meats become soft when you have it allows to cool and never throw away the broth for that this will be our base.

Prepare stockfish and dry fish:If you are using stockfish or dry fish, soak in warm water to soften; rinse out thoroughly and set aside.

4.2. Preparing the Thickener

Cocoyam style: Boil the cocoyam tubers with skin on till tender. Remove from the oven when done and peel off the skin, then pound or blend till smooth. Set aside.

Achi or Ofor thickener — If you are using achi or ofor powder, dilute it with part warm water to make it slimy.

4.3. Cooking the Soup Base

Place cooked meats in a pot and add stock fish: Add the softened stockfish and dry fish to the pot of cooked meats, allow it timer for some minutes to extract flavor.

5. Incorporate palm oil: pour of the palm oil to give a color to the soup, stir. Simmer for 5 minutes. Keep aside this mixture.

Add the Cocoyam: Drop small quantities of cocoyam paste (or any thickener) into the soup. Stir, making sure that the thickener dissolves nicely in the broth. Cook for 10-15 minutes more to let it thicken up.

Season with ground crayfish, Ogiri(if adding) and more pepper and if necessary a few more seasoning cubes. Adjust salt to taste. Let the soup gently cook for an additional 5 minutes.4.4. Adding Vegetables

STEP 2: PREPARING THE OHA LEAVES : The oha leaves are quite fragile hence do not shred with a knife (It should be shredded by hand) This lends it a unique texture and flavour.

Mix Oha and Uziza leaves Add the soup till the desirable thickness is gotten, add oha and stir gently. Uziza leaves if using them for a very peppery finish Stir in the sauce and continue to cook for 5 minutes; Remove from heat.

5. Serving Suggestions

Oha soup accompanies any of these Nigerian fufu packets:

Pounded yam

Fufu (cassava or yam)

Eba (garri)



Your Oha soup is now ready, serve it hot and enjoy the delicious taste of this lovely blend of meats, flavors and smoothness.

6. Oha Soup Preparation Tips

Fresh ingredients: Fresh Oha leaves only give the best flavour. A possible substitute for this is frozen leaves but they lack the vibrant flavor and texture.

Hand tear the Oha leaves: Cutting with a knife can bruise the fragile Oha leaves, spoiling both taste and presentation.

DIRECTIONS: Do not overcook the vegetables, add your Oha leaves last so they do not lose their color or vitamins.

Meat Mix: In this case, using a combination of meats such as beef, goat and chicken helps get more flavors into this mix. Better with stockfish or dry fish.

Use cocoyam to adjust thickness: If your soup is too thick, add more water or broth. If too thin, add more cocoyam paste.

7. Conclusion

The Oha soup is one of the many ways to showcase the culinary gift handed down by past generations of Igbo people. It is a satisfying meal with tender meats, savory broth and fresh Oha leaves. Whether you decide to cook during a family get together or simply looking for the genuine taste of Nigerian dishes, this tips would help you prepare an ideal pot of oha soup. If you follow the steps correctly, in no time you will be making this popular Nigerian food like a pro, your friends and family will love their new chef.

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